Cover Songs! — JSB

Cover Songs!

I don’t often play cover songs, not really my thing. But when I do, I always try to play Bruce Springsteen. Occasionally we play a cover song at shows. We have covered Arctic Monkeys, Neil Young, Citzen Cope, and maybe a couple others I can’t remember. However, I have never actually recorded a cover song and released it publicly before now. Below is a link to my new single of Bruce Springsteen’s “I’m On Fire”. I’ve always loved this song (reminds me of a very young Courtney Cox….though I know that was a video for a different song). I tried to take it, jumble it around, and create my own take on this iconic classic. I hope you take the time to give it a listen (cause it wasn’t easy to get a good take of this song in one run!).


Take care,
