Hello Folks,
Its been a while since I posted a blog so a quick update is warranted. We lost our friend and lead guitar player Benji Massello. He has moved to the beautiful country of Spain with his wife. We miss him and and wish him all the luck in the world. We do intend to “distance collaborate” together on future material. As a result we have been trying out all sorts of guitar players at practices. They were all great in their own way. However, none really fit like we had hoped. As a result we have decided to proceed as a trio. This means I have to learn a lot of guitar parts. So I am hard at work practicing my chops. Playing these riffs and singing is hard, again, we miss Benji very much.
We are 2/3 of the way through our 3 songs in 3 months campaign. Barn Burn and Passed on Pie have been released and are available everywhere to listen. In addition, an official video came along with Passed on Pie and two live videos were released alongside Barn Burn. You can check that out on our youtube page or here on the website. One more song is due to be released Sept 20. Its the song I am most proud of so can’t wait for it to get out there. So keep an eye on your email to get pre-release access to the song. If you are not a member of our fans only email list please do so, its the best way to keep up with all the happenings of our band. I promise not to overload your inbox.
That’s all for now! Take care,